based in BKN. eligible to work in the US and EU


Top-of-mind Self-awareness

The #VanityVanityURL self-promo campaign

The #VanityVanityURL Project
self-promo campaign

The gig economy is oversaturated with talent. To cut through the clutter, we must practice what we preach as freelance creatives, and sell ourselves like we would our clients’ products/services. So I took a page from the branding books to make myself top of mind when CDs and recruiters need a writer. And bulk-purchased 100+ vanity URLs, all leading to this site. An investment recovered within a day of work on a senior creative’s freelance rate.


The Vanity Vanity URLs.

Shared as posts on LinkedIn and other social platforms.


Launch Stunt.

A music licensing company had recently bragged about spending a bajillion on very expensive OOH ads, hyper-targeting some of the same people I was trying to reach. So to launch this project, I turned my tiny budget into a strength with a little bit of self-deprecating fun.


Vanity Vanity URL Generator. is too damn hard to remember. I want my own #VanityVanityURL.
